The Physics Governing the Universe - Interactions, EM, Gravity

In this article, we will have a look at some of the important physics concepts needed to understand how the universe works.

By Tim Trott | Cosmology | September 22, 2008
958 words, estimated reading time 3 minutes.

This article is part of a series of articles. Please use the links below to navigate between the articles.

  1. What is Cosmology and the Big Bang Theory for Beginners
  2. The Big Bang - The Beginning of the Universe As We Know It
  3. What is the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation?
  4. Expansion of the Universe, Cosmic Scale Factor and Hubble's Law
  5. The Physics Governing the Universe - Interactions, EM, Gravity
  6. What is Light? How To Measure the Speed of Light?
  7. Redshift and Blueshift Explained - How We Know Disance to Far-Off Objects

The Four Forces which Hold the Universe Together

Despite the complexity of the universe, all matter is made up of a limited number of particles, and how these particles interact with one another can be reduced to no more than four distinct interactions.

Strong Interaction

The strong interaction is the force binding quarks within a particle or atomic nucleus. It is also responsible for the force between the nucleons in a nucleus. The strong interaction acts on a very small range it becomes negligible on distances greater than 10-15m between particles.

Electromagnetic Interaction

The electromagnetic interaction is a force acting between all electrically charged particles. It keeps, for example, the electrons bound to the nucleus of an atom. The electromagnetic interaction acts over an infinite distance but is over 100 times weaker than the strong interaction on a comparable scale.

Weak Interaction

There are particles which are not affected by the strong interaction but interact with one another and other particles very weakly. The strength of the weak interaction is only 10-14 times that of the strong interaction and is present only in a very short range of 10-18m, so it plays a role only at the nuclear and sub-nuclear level.

Gravitational Interaction

The gravitational interaction is the weakest of the fundamental interactions and occurs between all particles to an infinite distance. Its strength is only 10-38 times that of the strong interaction on the same spatial scale.

Nevertheless, gravity is the force which governs the development of the universe at the present epoch.

Special Theory of Relativity

Let's start by having a look at one of the most famous equations of all time, one that looks so simple, yet is so powerful in describing the universe.

According to the special theory of relativity mass and energy are equivalent:

Special theory of relativity
Equation 41 - Special theory of relativity

Where E is the energy and m is the mass; the square of the speed of light, c2, is then just a conversion factor between two sets of units.

The Mass-energy equivalence is a result of special relativity. The energy and momentum, which are separate in Newtonian mechanics, form a four-vector in relativity, and this relates the time components (the energy) to the space components (the momentum) in a non-trivial way.

The energy associated with the mass of the electron can be found using this equation. We know that the mass of an electron is given by me = 9.109x10-31 kg. We also know that the speed of light, c, is 2.998x108 ms-1.

We can substitute these values into equation 41 to give:

E=9.109*10^-31 x (2.998*10^8)^2

E=8.18717*10^-14 J

This is a very small amount of energy, and usually, we specify small quantities of energy in electron volts (1eV = 1.6022x10-19 J).

The energy equivalent to the mass of the electron at rest is 511,000 eV or 511.0 keV. This is known as the rest mass energy.

Energy can be characterised as either kinetic or potential energy. The fundamental definition of the kinetic energy of a particle is given by the formula:

Kinetic energy of a particle
Equation 42 - Kinetic energy of a particle

Where v is the speed of the particle.

In cosmology, the gravitational interaction is the most important force, and so the most useful definition of the potential energy. For two-body problems, potential energy, U, has the form:

Gravitational interaction
Equation 43 - Gravitational interaction

Where G is the Gravitational constant and has the value 6.673x10-11 Nm2 kg-2.

Potential energy in a two-body problem
Potential energy in a two-body problem

Only differences in potential energy ever enter into calculations. In a two-body problem, we generally take U = 0 when the two particles are infinitely separated (this is why there is a minus sign in the above equation) but this is only a convention. If there is no force opposing the gravitation, the masses will move towards one another with increasing velocity.

At some point, the small mass m will have a velocity v relative to the larger mass M (it means we assume M to be at rest and measure the velocity at which m approaches M) and the distance will have reduced to r', as shown in the diagram above.

The total energy of a particle is defined as the kinetic energy plus the potential energy:


So in our case:

E = T+U = 1/2 mv^2 -G Mm/r

The energy and mass are conserved quantities, which means that they cannot be created from nothing or eliminated; they can only change form. Potential energy can, for example, be transformed into kinetic energy, and vice versa. Practically, it means for our two masses M and m that if there has been no intervention from any third body, the total energy in the system remains constant.

So how does it happen that, despite the gravitational attraction, the Moon does not fall on the Earth or the Sun does not fall immediately to the centre of our Galaxy?

This is due to dynamic equilibrium which is achieved by the orbital motion.

Orbital motion: an example of dynamical equilibrium in a two-body problem.
Orbital motion: an example of dynamical equilibrium in a two-body problem.

An orbiting body, at radius r, experiences the centripetal force Fc, which keeps it moving in a circle.

Centripetal force
Equation 44 - Centripetal force

Where vc is the velocity of rotation and r is the radius measured from the centre of rotation and the rotating body.

Imagine a stone swung in a circle from a string and the centripetal force is provided by the tension in the string. Here the centripetal force is provided by gravitational attraction. If the centripetal force suddenly disappeared (the string is cut) then the orbiting body would fly off at a tangent. Gravitational attraction stops the body from flying off and keeps it moving in a circle.

The gravitational force is given by

Gravitational force
Equation 45 - Gravitational force

The condition for dynamical equilibrium is then;


The above principles of Newtonian mechanics govern most of the dynamics in cosmological objects.

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  1. KJ

    On Thursday 21st of November 2019, Ken Joynes said

    When we were shown, many years ago, the pictures taken at the moment of collision in the LHC we were told that some particles had mysteriously and spontaneously occurred. Have I remembered this incorrectly or is there now an explanation?

    Ken Joynes